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Our report from 2017 Tatler Schools Live!  

Heather Rutherford • Oct 10, 2017

The future looks bright!

Yesterday we attended the Tatler Schools’ Live event and were fortunate to hear many excellent educators speak. The common theme running through the presentations and debates was young people’s mental health and wellbeing; almost above all else. We sensed a distinct move away from a narrow focus on league tables and academic attainment and that schools are now giving greater attention to encouraging and acknowledging effort and perseverance over attainment. In fact, headmistress at Francis Holland Sloane Square, Lucy Elphinstone, made the surprise announcement that her school, one of a group of 12, is abolishing the 11+ exam in favour of a cognitive ability test and an interview.

Schools were keen to emphasise the importance of growing their pupils' self-esteem and helping them to develop coping strategies that would lead to greater resilience in the face of an increasingly stressful landscape; caused, they felt in large part, by the meteoric rise in digital devices and social media. Parents, with whom schools say they are keen to work more closely, were being encouraged to recognise this and provide their children with good role models and to refrain from tutoring.

I felt a strong sense of being in the right place at the right time; what these educators are now beginning to put into practice at school, such as for instance, 'Growth Mindset', needs the support of parents in the home environment. And this is where we come in! Children respond best, as you know, when there is a coordinated approach. At the Parenting Partnership the parents we coach are successfully putting into practice skills and strategies to enhance empathy within their children, a strong self-esteem, cooperation, a growth mindset where they are encouraged to have a go and to become resilient. Our approach to parenting: positive, proactive, purposeful-yet not permissive is in tune with that which many schools are now taking. Our new Schools Talks’ programme has received a strong response.

The focus of the Tatler Schools Live truly inspirational programme was to guide parents in what to look for when choosing a school and how to go about the process. There was talk of pre-testing and testing, interviews and so on but the clear message was to visit the schools several times and really look at how happy the children are, are they kind, respectful, do they hold the door open, is there laughter, are they kind to each other? The key message from these extremely high calibre speakers was don’t get hung up on single sex versus co-ed, day versus boarding or any of the other permeations; instead, choose the school that’s right for your child, not you! Above all trust your gut instinct. A wonderful day from which we came away feeling optimistic about the future.

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